Episode 8

Modcast Pt. 1

In this first episode of two, Ian 'Mod' Moore and Chris discuss how his decision to move to France has affected his relationship with money, and developed his own Wellbeing

“Take the leap, and the net will appear.”

Ian ‘Mod’ Moore is a comedian, author and mod (believe it or not) currently living in France. In this first episode of two, he and Chris discuss how his decision to move to France has affected his relationship with money, and developed his own Wellbeing. The conversation ranges from Brexit, income, the intricacies of the French cinematic culture, chutney, stand-up, family and happiness.

Learn also about David’s secret past as a comedian, and how his first big pay-cheque counter-intuitively exasperated his money-worries. The three also discuss the relationship between creative passion and income, and which motivates which.

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1:10 – An introduction to Ian Moore

1:45 Tweets – @adamdownes, @cat_mctaggart

3:03 – A la mod, Modnifique

3:42 – Financial impact of Ian’s move to France

5:46 – How Ian became a comedian

11:38 – The blank diary

12:15 – Leap & the net will appear

13:20 – Implications of Brexit

13:40 – Money culture in France

18:10 – Ian’s chutney

20:23 – David’s short stand-up career

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